We use cryoEM and cryoET to study the structure and function of biomolecules and the architecture of cellular systems.
Rahman et al Neuron
Ruhl et al Nature Comm
Maity et al PNAS
We are studying the role of several proteins involved in tauopathies to provide molecular roadmaps for therapeutic interventions for diseases such as FTD.
Powell et al ACS CS
Chang et al Cell
We are trying to understand fundamental molecular mechanisms of exosome production and capture and to determine the biological significance of exosomes in neurodegenerative disease.
Janas et al BBA Biomem
Wan et al Comm. Bio
We are investigating the early stages of neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's disease and are interested in the interaction of beta-amyloid with synaptophysin.
Adams et al Sci Reports
Adams et al Plose ONE
Arthur & Stowell Structure
Using electron tomography we study the architecture of the chemical synapse in cultured neurons in various states of activation and dysfunction due to disease.
Arthur et al Neuroscience
Ruhl et al Nature Comm
In collaboration with the Shen lab, we study the molecular mechanisms of synaptic vesicle fusion.
Yu et al PNAS
Rathore et al Cell Reports
Shen et al JBC
We develop a variety of methods for cryoEM such as microfluidics, time resolved cyroEM as well as rapid thermal profiling methods for proteomics.
Bhattacharjee et al Frontiers
Ball et al Comm Biology
Basta et al PNAS
Yeh et al Acta Cryst D
Comming soon